In the spring of 2018 Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) approached the TUUT Charitable Trust with regard to a project to improve the access to Universal Credit so that financial entitlements should be maximised for families on low incomes
After introductions were brought about by TU Financial Management Services discussions were held with the GMB and USDAW resulting in a joint pilot project beginning in September 2018, financed by the TUUT Charitable Trust, with £20,000 over one year.
This pilot project aims to:-
- Equip trade union representatives with the knowledge and tools they need for this once-in-a-generation change to social security – Universal Credit –so that financial entitlements are maximised for trade union families on low incomes.
- Through CPAG’s unique Early Warning System, they will also raise systematic or administrative problems with Universal Credit as they affect members with a view to resolving individual cases and achieving reforms to help other claimants.
- Seek to understand the effect of Universal Credit on low-paid working families, to inform CPAG’s policy, advocacy, media and campaigning work, including joint follow up work with unions.