TUFM was established in 1961 by the trade union movement and is wholly owned by the T.U.U.T charitable trust.

The objective was to establish a fund that invested in companies where trade unions were recognised.

Today we act as sponsor of the IFSL Trade Unit Trust whilst International Fund Services Limited (IFSL) is the Authorised Corporate Director (ACD)

Investment Fund Services Limited (IFSL) became the authorised fund manager for the Trade Union Unit Trust on 15th January 2016.

Units can be bought and sold in the trust by contacting IFSL directly at:-

Investment Fund Services Limited

Marlborough House

59 Chorley New Road

Bolton BL1 4QP

Telephone 0808 178 9321

Fax 01204 533045

Dealing hours are between 9am and 5pm on any business day.

Daily prices of the trust may be obtained by calling 0808 178 9321 and are also available on the following website:


Please note that investments can fall as well as rise in value and that you may not get back the amount you originally invested


“ The idea that trade unions should be involved in ‘playing’ the financial markets will seem incongruous to many people, not least to many active trade unionists who spend their time defending their members from the excesses of capitalism. ”

“ But playing the market for a return that benefits working people, members of trades unions, makes a lot of sense. ”

“ So it seemed to a group of far-sighted trade unionists in the early 1960s. They were the founders of Trade Union Fund Managers and their story … is a real success story, a David taking on a Goliath, and deserves to be told widely. It is also a continuing story and I would urge all trade unionists who have not heard about TUFM and what they can do in terms of financial investment to take a little time out to ….. perhaps consider whether riding the tiger is more profitable than standing in its way. ”

— John Monks